Hairless Cat Breeds And Why You Should Get One
Hairless cat breeds are so unappreciated, these poor things. Here are some of the most adorable hairless cat breeds that are guaranteed to purr-suade you into bringing one home.
Breaking Mews: They’re hypoallergenic and hiss-terical!
1. Peterbald

Out of all hairless cat breeds, this bad boy looks the most debonair-ish. Peterbalds may look a tad furr-ocious, but they are actually affectionate and highly cathletic. Sleek and muscular, these kitties sure know how to sweat it out.
2. Elf Cat

This wee thing reminds you of Dobby, doesn’t it? Elf cats are crazy adorable as kittens and are bound to have you bewitched with its big soulful eyes and odd-looking grin. The grin, however, is a trick they often use to get them out of trouble. They’re the cutest purr-petrators!
3. Dwelf

The Dwelf Cat is one of the hairless cat breeds that can get away with pretty much anything with those big puppy eyes. Named so because of it’s dwarf-like appearance, the Dwelf got its short, stout legs from the Munchkin, its curled ears from the American Curl, and its hairless coat from the Sphynx. We finally uncovered the recipe for cuteness!
4. Ukrainian Levkoy

Here’s the feline version of Yoda. Sleek, muscular, and having in-folding ears, the wise-looking Ukrainian Levkoy seem to have an answer to all of the the universe’ mysteries. Among all the hairless cat breeds, this catto looks the least impressed by hooman tomfoolery.
5. Donskoy

Don’t let the haughty look fool you. Donskoy cats are actually some of the most clingy breeds you’ll come across. Although it may take a while for them to warm up to you, you’ll never have some alone time ever again once they attach themselves to their hooman. With these majestic-looking kitties on my lap, I really wouldn’t mind.
Hairless cat breeds are so low-maintenance it would be a total cat-astrophe not to spoil them a little. Those elegant necks deserve some serious bling, so complete their daily catwalk with these fine-looking premium cat tags that goes so well with these pawsh collector clasps. They’re made to order for you in Australia and shipped fast.